Mastering the Art of Rescheduling Meetings

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Mastering the Art of Rescheduling Meetings

Written By: Sandi MacCalla, Founder - LifeSkills Academy ~ 3/4/2024

Sometimes rescheduling a meeting is unavoidable. How you handle it makes a significant difference in strengthening your relationships. Here are some clear ways to navigate this with grace and professionalism.

  1. Strive First to Put Others at Ease:
    Etiquette is about making others feel comfortable, even in difficult situations. Recall that ‘less is more’ when it comes to explanations.

  2. Follow the Rule - "Never Complain; Never Explain":
    Avoid the urge to offer lengthy excuses or complaints. Simply inform the other party of the need to reschedule and apologize sincerely for any inconvenience caused.

  3. BLOGPOST_ReschedulingMgts03042024.jpgPrioritize Timeliness:
    When possible, avoid last-minute cancellations. Notify the other party as soon as you become aware of the need to reschedule, ideally a few days in advance.

  4. Offer Specific Alternative Dates and Times:
    Take the initiative to suggest alternative dates and times when rescheduling. This respects the other person's time, streamlines the process, and minimizes back-and-forth communication.

  5. Communicate Importance and Urgency:
    Express that the meeting and the other person's time are valuable to you. Use phrases to convey a sense of importance and immediacy.

  6. Maintain a Positive Tone:
    Even though rescheduling may be inconvenient, approach the situation with a positive attitude. Ensure that your contact understands that you respect them and their time.

"Courteous treatment will make a customer a walking advertisement."
- James Cash Penney

By using these strategies, you will master the art of rescheduling meetings with grace and maintain strong working relationships. Every interaction can build enduring rapport with your business contacts.


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