LifeSkills Academy Blog
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Written By: Sandi MacCalla ~ 4/25/22
The question today – “Are you overthinking this?” – can be helpful, or not. Use it selectively with compassion. Who of us has not fumbled around with a decision when we’re unclear? And avoided appearing ‘less-than’ on purpose.
Here’s what I now understand when asked this question:
Some professionals caution that overthinking can be a sign of depression or anxiety brewing. A good caution to consider. I challenge that by looking at what it would be like if it turned out better than I wanted. To-date, it hasn’t cost more to include that option.
We’re in the driver’s seat with what goes on between our ears. I haven’t met anyone so far who is trying to make a mistake on purpose. Most people are diligent at avoiding mistakes. I, myself, have a dislike of ‘do-overs;’ e.g. “Measure twice, cut once.”
Tips for moving through ‘overthinking:’
Thank you for journeying with me on this subject. Next blog, we’ll tackle the crown jewel of this topic that is now showing up in employment searches: critical thinking. What is it? Why is it a dealmaker? How do we learn it?
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