Back-to-School Prep - Family Teamwork

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Back-to-School Prep - Family Teamwork

Written By: Sandi MacCalla, Founder - LifeSkills Academy ~ 8/5/2024

With a bit of organization, here are actionable ideas to get the new school year ready. To make it fun, break down tasks so your children can join in and experience valuable life skills.

  1. BLOGPOST_BackToSchoolPrep08052024.jpgStart Early:

    • Update School Supplies: Make sure your student has what they need. Let your child make a list within a set budget, and then head for the back-to-school sales. Planning and shopping make financial management and decision-making real. (Mommy Poppins).

    • Prepare a Family School Year Calendar: Involve your student in marking important dates (school holidays, parent-teacher conferences, extracurricular activities, homework deadlines, etc.) to avoid last-minute surprises (School Year Calendar). This helps develop time management and taking responsibility.

    • Meal Planning: Help your child plan and prepare school lunches. This introduces them to cooking and nutritional planning. (Mommy Poppins).

  2. Establish Routines:

    • Bedtime and Morning: Involve your student in creating a routine chart. For instance, adjust bedtimes and wake-up times several weeks before school starts to transition from summer to school schedules. They will be more likely to stick to these times since they helped create them.

    • Homework and Study Time: Set a designated homework area with needed supplies and establish a study routine with your student. This helps students develop good organizational habits early on.

  3. Support Emotional Well-being:

    • Discuss Expectations: Talk to your children about their goals and concerns they have for the new school year. Help them set achievable goals with small, manageable steps. This fosters purpose and direction. Be sure to include celebrations for goals completed.

    • Family Dinners: Strive to have regular family dinners. This provides time for students to share their experiences and for parents to offer support.

  4. Stay Informed and Involved:

    • Parent Portals: Keep an eye on the school’s parent portal for updates on grades and teacher comments. This helps address any issues early.

    • Join PTO/PTA: Get involved and encourage your child to participate in activities with the parent-teacher organization. This is a great way for you both to stay informed and to participate in the school community (PTO Volunteer Recruitment and Recognition - PTO Today)

  5. Use Technology Wisely:

  6. Create a Reward System:

    • Positive Reinforcement: Implement a reward system for completing preparation tasks. Rewards can be simple, like extra screen time or a special treat. This can motivate them to stay involved and take responsibilities seriously.

  7. Prepare for High School and College Transitions:

    • Extracurricular Activities: For high school students, encourage participation in clubs or sports to help them make friends and stay engaged (Grown and Flown).

    • Pack Essentials: If you have a student heading off to college, help them with packing: essentials, including a first aid kit, weather-appropriate clothing, and favorite snacks. Consider including a small surprise that is special to them (Grown and Flown).

These ideas ensure a successful start to the school year, reducing stress and fostering a well-planned environment for learning and growth for the family.

“Life loves to be taken by the lapel and be told,
‘I am with you, kid. Let’s go!’”

~Maya Angelou

LifeSkills Academy educators are professionals, some with academic backgrounds, and all have proven success in the world of commerce.

LifeSkills Academy features online learning in:

  • Etiquette/Social Intelligence
  • Financial Skills
  • Adulting Practices.

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