Navigating In-Person Communication Dynamics

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Navigating In-Person Communication Dynamics

Written By: Sandi MacCalla, Founder - LifeSkills Academy ~ 1/22/2024

Exploring the intricacies of interruptions in communication is both enlightening and entertaining. Let's delve into some key takeaways:

  • Gender Dynamics: Research shows that men often interrupt to share knowledge or establish dominance, while women view communication as relational, allowing interruptions to maintain connections.

  • Intra-Gender Interruptions: Both men and women are comfortable interrupting others within their gender grouping.

  • Varied Motivations: Interruptions range from exerting control to providing valuable information. Factors like culture, speaking speed, time pressure, and interest-influencing behavior form the degree of interruption.

  • Personal vs. Impersonal: Understanding that others' actions aren't always personal but more reflective of their inner world can help deal with less-than-pleasant behavior.

BLOGPOST_InPersonCommunications01222024.jpgNow, let's consider interrupting as a choice rather than a social code, with roles for everyone involved:

For Interrupters:

  • Convey respect by interrupting only when it adds value to the conversation.

    • Use simple, respectful phrases like addressing the person by name or asking for permission to interject your thoughts.

For Moderators/Leaders:

  • Set expectations early in meetings so that everyone will have the opportunity to comment.

  • Actively moderate discussions, creating space for appropriate interruptions and comments.

For Speakers:

  • Model respect by allowing interrupters to speak but redirect if necessary to honor time commitments.

  • If interruptions are unconstructive, take them offline to understand underlying issues.

A cautionary note: when we interrupt, we risk missing valuable insights from others. Don't sacrifice someone else's golden nugget for the sake of interrupting with your own story.

Looking ahead, we'll explore more conversational tips, including:

  • Bropropriating
  • Womansplaining
  • Mansplaining
  • And more...

Stay tuned for more insights on building better connections through respectful and effective communication!

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